26 September 2019
Last week, a group of UK-based GPs travelled to the West Bank as part of our ongoing ‘family medicine’ programme in the occupied Palestinian territory. The doctors are supporting the delivery of a transitional training programme, to equip local primary healthcare professionals - including nurses, midwives, radiographers and physiotherapists - with the skills and knowledge needed to implement the family medicine model in their practice.
Alongside our partner the Foundation for Family Medicine in Palestine (FFMP), Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is helping to increase the number and quality of family medicine specialists in the West Bank. Among the many benefits of the family medicine model of care is the improved management and care of chronic diseases and the health challenges that ageing populations, including those in Palestine, face. Developing this specialism is also important to ensuring all people have access to high-quality primary care which is equitable, efficient and affordable.
Amid the visiting medics’ busy schedule, we caught up with Dr Shameq Sayeed, a GP from Oxford, to learn more about the practice of family medicine and what the group accomplished:
If you would like to support our family medicine programme in the occupied Palestinian territory, please consider making a donation today: