The Facts

People with disabilities face many challenges to their rights and wellbeing in the occupied Palestinian territory and in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Lack of opportunities and access to health, education, livelihood and social services compound the cycle of disability as both a cause and consequence of poverty.

Stigma, discrimination and human rights violations, particularly concerning women with disabilities, frequently go unchecked. Social isolation and marginalisation are particularly prevalent in refugee camps where many adaptations and accessible public infrastructure are not available. There are few specialised rehabilitation services available to children and adults and a general lack of awareness of the rights of children and adults with disabilities. People with disabilities became particularly marginalised during COVID-19 lockdowns and are among the most overlooked groups in emergency responses.

Our response

MAP takes a social and rights-based approach to disability. We focus on removing the barriers to participation in society by people with disabilities, which complements medical care. We provide rehabilitation support, and empower people with disabilities to challenge public perceptions of disability and break down the barriers in their communities.

Our projects

Support to physiotherapy centre and early intervention unit, Lebanon

In Lebanon, Palestinians with disabilities cannot access government disability services and 29% of Palestinian children with disabilities are not enrolled in education.

MAP supports the Palestinian Women’s Health Organisation and Sour Community Disability Programme’s physiotherapy centre and early intervention units to provide physical rehabilitation and educational support to children with physical and mental disabilities living in refugee camps. The physiotherapy centre also provides therapy to young people, adults and elderly people with physical disabilities, and works to empower those with disabilities and their families to promote a cultural shift in community attitudes towards people with disabilities.

Palestine Circus School for children with learning difficulties, West Bank

In 2019, MAP began a partnership with the Palestine Circus School in the West Bank, who use circus skills to promote and strengthen the social participation and inclusion of Palestinian children with learning disabilities. The circus school has established circus clubs across the West Bank, where young people learn values of creativity, teamwork, freedom of expression and gender equality. The school supports people with disabilities and other young people, through an integrative approach, to change practices and challenge public perceptions of disability.  

Community-based rehabilitation, Gaza

MAP works in partnership with the Nuseirat Rehabilitation and Social Training Assocation to empower people with disabilities to advocate for their rights. We support community-based rehabilitation activities in central Gaza to promote an inclusive and accessible society for people with disabilities by activating their full participation in their communities. The project’s activities include job skills training, media and radio training, and drama and psychosocial support for people with disabilities and their families. People with disabilities are supported to manage income generating projects, to improve their economic independence.

Advocating for the rights of people with disabilities, Gaza

In partnership with the Social Developmental Forum, MAP works to improve local efforts to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities in Gaza. We focus on enhancing the contribution and participation of people with disabilities to advocate for their rights. Using digital tools in creative ways, people with disabilities can become effective agents of change in their communities.




In 2020

68 people living with disabilities received psychosocial support

30 people participated in on-the-job training to enhance their skills

597families received counselling

Case study:

Advancing the rights of Palestinian children with disabilities in Lebanon

Read how the Sour Community Disability Project is providing multidisciplinary specialised services to Siham and her two daughters who have disabilities.

Read more

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