Charity Commission response to complaint by UK Lawyers for Israel and the Lawfare Project

Following a press release issued by UK Lawyers for Israel and the Law Project in June, stating that they had filed a complaint against Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) with the Charity Commission, we submitted a full response to the regulator refuting the allegations.

We are pleased to report that on 2 November, MAP received a letter from the Charity Commission stating that it “considers that the Trustees have treated the matter with due seriousness, taking proportionate and considerate steps to properly review and consider the allegations.” 

The letter also noted “the positive steps taken by the Trustees to protect the Charity and its reputation, including by issuing a public statement in response to the allegations.” 

The Charity Commission confirmed that it does not consider any further regulatory action or engagement is required at this time and that its assessment into this matter has now concluded. 

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