In this fact sheet, we discuss the humanitarian emergency in Gaza, described by the UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Aid and Development Activities, Jamie McGoldrick, as "a crisis ontop of a catastrophe".
We make key recommendations for Members of Parliament to urge the UK Government to address the unprecedented crisis.
Click here to read the fact sheet.
This fact sheet uncovers how Israel, which has occupied the West Bank since 1967, imposes a range of laws, policies, and practices which pressurise Palestinians and contribute to unliveable conditions or coercive environments.
These measures place Palestinians at risk of forcible transfer, a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Click here to read fact sheet.
Health-workers are being killed and injured with impunity in the “Great March of Return” protests in Gaza.
In this fact sheet, MAP implores the UK authorities to do much more to ensure better protection and support for Palestinian healthcare which is under attack, under blockade and under occupation.
Click here to read the fact sheet.
In the five years since the civil war in Syria began, more than 3,180 Palestinians have been killed, and an estimated 110,000 have fled abroad in search of safety, following attacks on Palestinian camps in the country like Yarmouk and Khan Eshieh.
In this fact sheet, we explore how Palestinians have been affected by the war, and their access to humanitarian aid and assistance as twice-displaced refugees. Click here to read the fact sheet.
If you would like to join MAP's call to the UK government to ensure that the humanitarian response to the conflict in Syria provides equal protection for all refugees, including Palestinians, please sign our petition today.
The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) records the timings of ambulance transfers and any incidents which may occur on a central database in order to track the work of their staff and identify issues to be raised with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
In partnership with Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI), MAP have collated the statistics and cases outlined in this fact sheet, demonstrating demonstrate the issues faced by PRCS teams on a daily basis. They highlight the negative impact of checkpoints and, in particular, back-to-back ambulance transfers on journeys and, most importantly, on patient health.
Click here to read the fact sheet.